MoTeC Beta Software Now Available to Public

MoTeC’s Beta Software releases are now available from the Downloads > Software > Beta Releases menu.

Previously, these releases were only available to a small, restricted group of testers. By making them public and allowing more people to test new features in a variety of real world applications, MoTeC expects to receive an increase in valuable customer feedback. This input is important during the development process to improve the software product and shape it to user needs.

Note: As with any Beta software, there is a risk of bugs and instabilities. For maximum reliability please only use the software versions in Latest Releases.

When the Beta has been tested and the final software is ready, the Beta version will be removed and a Release version made available under Latest Releases. Therefore, there may be times when the Beta page is empty.

Beta Release Announcements

Anyone can join our mailing list to be notified when new Beta software is available for testing. Simply send a blank email to

Recipients on this list are notified of all software releases – both Beta and Release.


We encourage user feedback on our Beta software. Please report bugs, crashes and other comments to:

Please include details of the application in which it was being used and the operating system on your PC.

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